tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-14422435.post2295155542829711317..comments2024-07-31T14:14:32.925+01:00Comments on Obsolete: Personally, I think everyone who complains should be shot.septicislehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03369157723084834549noreply@blogger.comBlogger2125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-14422435.post-28094352534819028162011-12-02T09:33:07.906+00:002011-12-02T09:33:07.906+00:00I was in a room full of trade unionist activists l...I was in a room full of trade unionist activists last night and I couldn&#39;t find a single one of them that was offended by Clarkson and a number of them were horrified that unison were taking the focus off the dispute and putting it onto this sideshow of a man.<br /><br />Anyone who reads the transcript can see that he had nothing wrong and if the left want to start jumping up and down at this sort of thing then they can&#39;t complain when people get jailed for tweeting about airports.<br /><br />I do feel dirty defending Clarkson but facts are facts.Jim Jeppshttps://www.blogger.com/profile/17410387006098326671noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-14422435.post-74855341068347381992011-12-02T06:33:17.574+00:002011-12-02T06:33:17.574+00:00Whilst I agree the issue has been overblown, I&#39...Whilst I agree the issue has been overblown, I&#39;m not sure Clarkson&#39;s &quot;joke&quot; is seen as inconsequential by some strikers. This is not Sachsgate. There is a political context to Clarkson&#39;s comments, including the fact Clarkson and Cameron are good buddies, and guess what? Dave is sticking up for his right-wing chum.Anonymousnoreply@blogger.com