tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-14422435.post5405213158562411660..comments2024-07-31T14:14:32.925+01:00Comments on Obsolete: The seven paragraphs.septicislehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03369157723084834549noreply@blogger.comBlogger1125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-14422435.post-8312793127037346632010-02-11T10:26:55.188+00:002010-02-11T10:26:55.188+00:00This sort of stuff really is your forte. That is o...This sort of stuff really is your forte. That is one cracking analysis which I wouldn&#39;t presume to add to, other than with a rather apposite quotation from Joseph Persico&#39;s &#39;Roosevelt&#39;s Secret War: FDR and World War II Espionage&#39;<br /><br /><b><i>Espionage involves peeking at the other fellow&#39;s hand, marking the cards, cooking the books, poisoning the well, breaking the rules, hitting below the belt, cheating, lying, deceiving, defaming, snooping, eavesdropping, prying, stealing, bribing, suborning, burglarizing, forging, misleading, conducting dirty tricks, dirty pool, skulduggery, blackmail, seduction, everything not sporting, not kosher, not cricket. In short, espionage stands virtue on its head and elevates vice instead.</i></b> <br /><br />- all to further our mission to do good in the world naturally.<br /><br />Some things never change eh? and despite all the pompous, ridiculous - not to say comical if it weren&#39;t so damned depressing - protestations of their apologists (<i>well he would say that wouldn&#39;t he?</i> - aka Mandy Rice Davies) the routine behaviour of our own SIS&#39;s are most certainly no exceptionSabretachehttps://www.blogger.com/profile/11652655872639394084noreply@blogger.com