Front page-watch: Yesterday's news, today.
All today's tabloids (except for the Moron) seem to be reporting old news or on yesterday's heroes.

So let's start with the Daily Star aka the OFFICIAL BIG BROTHER PAPER (today only 30p!), which has the amazing exclusive that Celebrity Big Brother winner Chantelle has declared that fellow housemate Preston is the one for her and they're going to stay together. Thank goodness for knowing that you're in love with someone only after three weeks. I'm sure that their careers (Chantelle will doubtless spend the rest of her days of fame (approx 20) getting her tits out as she already has done, Preston on the other hand will probably make some money out of people who buy the Ordinary Boys album, only for them to discover how terrible it is and then hate him for it) will last just as long as their "love".

Moving on to the Diana Express, as it's a Monday we're treated to yet another non-news story about Diana. At least where Diana is she doesn't have to suffer like the rest of the living population in seeing the Express yet again report about a dead woman most normal people never cared about in the first place.

The Daily Mail reports in its usual hysterical style about possible proposals on euthanasia. Unfortunately it doesn't actually provide a space to tick, so even though I lost the will to live when I saw the front page I can't end my life in a humane fashion.

Finally then to the Sun, and to the meeting which we've all been dying to happen. Yes, it's between Michael Barrymore and the father of the man who died in his swimming pool. While he forgives Barrymore, the Sun and the rest of the tabloids certainly haven't. They've spent the couple of years since he fled the country accusing him of everything under the Sun (geddit?!?!?!?). Still, when it comes to an opportunity to get a front page that is bound to shift papers, you jump at the chance, right, hypocrisy or not? However the whole thing seems a publicity stunt, for all parties concerned. The private prosecution by Tony Bennett has not been withdrawn, and he said nothing in the Sun will stop him from pursuing it. You can smell the whiff of Max Clifford around this from a mile off.
Congratulations to all the newspapers featured! (Apologies about the unusual image sizes, one of the blogger servers seems to be refusing to work tonight.)

So let's start with the Daily Star aka the OFFICIAL BIG BROTHER PAPER (today only 30p!), which has the amazing exclusive that Celebrity Big Brother winner Chantelle has declared that fellow housemate Preston is the one for her and they're going to stay together. Thank goodness for knowing that you're in love with someone only after three weeks. I'm sure that their careers (Chantelle will doubtless spend the rest of her days of fame (approx 20) getting her tits out as she already has done, Preston on the other hand will probably make some money out of people who buy the Ordinary Boys album, only for them to discover how terrible it is and then hate him for it) will last just as long as their "love".

Moving on to the Diana Express, as it's a Monday we're treated to yet another non-news story about Diana. At least where Diana is she doesn't have to suffer like the rest of the living population in seeing the Express yet again report about a dead woman most normal people never cared about in the first place.
The Daily Mail reports in its usual hysterical style about possible proposals on euthanasia. Unfortunately it doesn't actually provide a space to tick, so even though I lost the will to live when I saw the front page I can't end my life in a humane fashion.

Finally then to the Sun, and to the meeting which we've all been dying to happen. Yes, it's between Michael Barrymore and the father of the man who died in his swimming pool. While he forgives Barrymore, the Sun and the rest of the tabloids certainly haven't. They've spent the couple of years since he fled the country accusing him of everything under the Sun (geddit?!?!?!?). Still, when it comes to an opportunity to get a front page that is bound to shift papers, you jump at the chance, right, hypocrisy or not? However the whole thing seems a publicity stunt, for all parties concerned. The private prosecution by Tony Bennett has not been withdrawn, and he said nothing in the Sun will stop him from pursuing it. You can smell the whiff of Max Clifford around this from a mile off.
Congratulations to all the newspapers featured! (Apologies about the unusual image sizes, one of the blogger servers seems to be refusing to work tonight.)
Terry Lubbock continues his fight to find out what happened to his son Stuart, at the home Michael Barrymore in Roydon. Mr Lubbock is calling for a new coroners inquest. Harry Cichy publicist to Terry Lubbock.
Posted by
Harry Cichy |
Sunday, December 30, 2007 10:19:00 AM
Terry Lubbock's campaign to find the truth in his son Stuart's death continues. Stuart Lubbock was found at entertainer Michael Barrymore's former home on the 31 March 2001. Stuart was found to have horrific sexual injuries. Terry Lubbock has asked for anyone who has information on the the events of 31 March 2001 to contact Essex Police. Mr Lubbock has lodged a memorial with the Attorney General in a request for a new Coroners Inquest.
Posted by
Fairplay1 |
Saturday, June 21, 2008 7:54:00 AM
Terry Lubbock will be at the opening of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival at the Assembly Music Hall George Street Edinburgh on the 31 July 2008 to see Michael Barrymore in Surviving Spike by Richard Harris & produced by Bill Kenwright. In 2001 Stuart Lubbock was found at the entertainer's mansion in Essex. Mr Lubbock has maintained a campaign to get to the truth on the events of 31 March 2001. In 2002 an 'Open Verdict' was recorded by Essex Coroner Mrs Carloline Beasley-Murray. Terry Lubbock has lodged a memorial with the Attorney General Baroness Scotland requesting a new coroners inquest into his son Stuart's death.
Posted by
Fairplay1 |
Monday, July 21, 2008 3:10:00 PM
Terry Lubbock awaits report from the IPCC, relating to complaints he made on the first Essex Police investigation into the death of his son Stuart Lubbock to the IPCC.
Posted by
Fairplay1 |
Sunday, October 19, 2008 6:09:00 PM