Scum-watch: Pornography? Us?

ONE in five searches on the internet serve up offensive, illegal or unsafe content, a web study has found.Pornography, viruses and pirated software were found after millions of popular searches were carried out on Yahoo, Google and MSN and other sites.
Imagine for a moment that you didn't know the Sun was the most moronic, dumbed-down newspaper on the face of the planet. Pretend that you didn't know how the Sun and soft pornography go hand in repetitive strain injured hand. There you are, searching naively for the latest on what's happening with the captured sailors in Iran for instance, and you come across the Sun's hysterical jingoistic coverage (The current discussion on MyScum is Iran seizes our boys: Will war get them back?). At the top of the page you're informed that you can vote for the best Easter bunny girl (nudity, obviously). You click, and what do you find? Five talentless butter-faced women, so lacking in self-confidence that they have to get their disgusting flabs of flesh out for leering ex-pats and a media mogul with the morals of a exceptionally lecherous stag. To be fair to them, I shouldn't be so harsh. Kelly, especially, bears much more of a resemblance to an actual rabbit than even she realises - she looks completely fucking terrified, frozen in horror in the headlight of the camera flash, apparently uncertain of what she's doing, or rather scared witless that once she's uploaded her pictorial that no one will care about the two orbs attached to her chest. Her worst fears were confirmed: they did.
No, it's not their fault. It's the fault of a soft pornographic celebrity magazine that pretends to be a newspaper in order to wield a despicable amount of leverage over the government of the day. It's the fault of the politicians that kowtow to this jumped-up peddler of low-brow, mind-numbing, soul-crushing tripe.
Ahem, where was I? Oh yeah, bashing the Sun rather than the man. Here's some more clearly non-offensive or unsafe content from the Sun's current news page:
Who's the sexiest ad babe?
CHECK out sex-tacular babes and vote every day this week for the foxiest one
Cor, it's Tina head turner
CURVY Christina Aguilera snapped hanging out on a street corner in a tight white dress
Is 10 inches too short for you?
CHECK out our celeb mini marvels and decide which skirt is a mite too far in our poll
Paris parties with Amy and Kel
PARIS Hilton pays homage to Brit rock royal Amy Winehouse, watched by Kelly Osbourne
Back to the article:
Searches for celebrities such as Paris Hilton and free wallpapers can produce dozens of links to sites which could contain potentially damaging computer worms and viruses.
Well, it could be worse. You could actually get pictures of Paris Hilton.
Elsewhere today in the Scum, there's an
PRINCESS Eugenie has revealed a string of personal details on an internet blog.
The 17-year-old, chatting on website MySpace, says hotdogs and doughnuts are her favourite food.
She praises parents Sarah and Andrew as “wonderful and supportive” and calls the Queen “Super Gran”.
Eugenie, studying for A-levels at Marlborough College, says her most prized possession is her mobile, adding: “Sorry Dad, ha ha!”
She loves sport and TV show Lost, favourite bands include the Stereophonics and the person she wants to meet most is Superman Returns hunk Brandon Routh.
In other words, she's a very ordinary 17-year-old girl. How insightful. Still, I have to hand it to the one commenter on the article:
Doesn't it just thrill you to know that your tax money will finance this deserving and clearly talented young woman to live in luxury for the rest of her life?
Yep, just like those deserving and clearly talented young men who got tanked up at the weekend and then filled the tabloids with their tedious, predictable antics. Harry can't go to Iraq soon enough.
Labels: MySun, pornography, Scum-watch, Sun-watch
You have to realise that you're using intelligence and rational thought while commenting on the Sun.
When you do such a thing you do end up noticing their - how should I put it? - "inconsistencies"...
Posted by
D-Notice |
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 8:18:00 PM