Inexorable leftist gibbering from someone somewhere. || "Our press, which you appear to regard as being free ... is the most enslaved and the vilest thing." -- William Cobbett. || “Tridents (sic) are not weapons of mass destruction.” -- Nadine Dorries MP
Just added a veritable boatload of links to the old blogroll, some of whom should have been added a while ago. If for some unfathomable reason I've forgotten yours, feel free to call me a bunch of names in the comments.
Aw. You're so kind. Thanx for the link.
Posted by
Sim-O |
Wednesday, September 26, 2007 12:37:00 PM
Thnx for the links ...
Aniruddha (debudeodhar)
Posted by
Quality Tale |
Wednesday, September 26, 2007 1:12:00 PM