Inexorable leftist gibbering from someone somewhere. || "Our press, which you appear to regard as being free ... is the most enslaved and the vilest thing." -- William Cobbett. || “Tridents (sic) are not weapons of mass destruction.” -- Nadine Dorries MP
More bobbies on the beat, tough action at home, discipline in schools and real justice in court
If I was David Cameron, I'd do the first, just to snuff it out as a tabloid bollocks point. God knows what the second means - hitting children? - the third sounds much the same, and the fourth is clearly just sloganising.
More bobbies on the beat, tough action at home, discipline in schools and real justice in court
If I was David Cameron, I'd do the first, just to snuff it out as a tabloid bollocks point. God knows what the second means - hitting children? - the third sounds much the same, and the fourth is clearly just sloganising.
Posted by
Matthew |
Saturday, February 02, 2008 1:18:00 AM
Seeing as Ms Newlove suggests bringing back the birch, quite possibly.
Posted by
septicisle. |
Saturday, February 02, 2008 1:42:00 AM