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Monday, February 01, 2010 

Does she know something we don't?

One of those slightly strange not quite spam messages that very occasionally falls into your inbox:

Hi there,

I visited your website for the first time last night ( http://www.septicisle.info/labels/Gordon%20Brown.html ) and I noticed that you had some condolence/sympathy and funeral related resources within it. You've done a great job of organizing and listing helpful information and I was wondering if you would consider listing my website as a resource for your visitors?

Obituaries Help is a completely free resource for a person looking for condolence/sympathy and funeral related examples and resources.


Melanie Walters - Webmaster

There aren't too many who feel much sympathy for Gordon Brown. Does Melanie Walters then know something we don't on the funeral score? I think we should be told. Mel, do get back in touch. Unless you're going to send the same message again, in which case don't.

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