We're doomed.

The world's first creationist museum, which tells visitors the Earth is only about 6,000 years old, has opened its doors in the American midwest.
Quite so. Why else would the T-rex have had those huge teeth other than to carefully chew only the most succulent foliage available?
Mark Looy, a co-founder of the privately funded centre, said: "The guests were very happy with the museum experience.
"Of course, we had some naysayers come through and engage us in conversation, and that's fine - we want them."
It would perhaps be unkind to suggest that Mark's second name is only an n away from accurately describing his beliefs, but his mindset pales into insignificance compared with the man responsible for some of the museum's hi-tech exhibits:
When Mr Marsh was asked to explain the existence of fossilised remains of man's ancestors, he replied: "There are no such things.
"Humans are basically as you see them today. Those skeletons they've found, what's the word? They could have been deformed, diseased or something.
"I've seen people like that running round the streets of New York."
That's that then. Our evolutionary ancestors are still with us, except they're now dressed up in suits, racing around Wall Street and performing their daily task of being masters of the universe. It all makes sense. How could we have possibly have not noticed?
Over on the Answers in Genesis site, the organisation which has helped fund the "museum", John Upchurch informs of us of how he came to believe:
Many years ago, I first heard about creationism from the mocking pages of an anthropology book and the ridicule of an astronomy professor. I laughed, too—once. But as I was wandering through the corridors of the Creation Museum, watching the videos and reading the exhibits, I kept thinking back to the letter that Ken Ham’s mother sent AiG just before the opening festivities. Her prayer was that the museum would “stand up to the world as a beacon of God’s love, power, and grace.” And that is my prayer, too—that those who are tempted to scorn this museum will, as I did many years ago, find out that creation and science attest to the reality of what God tells us in Genesis.
That reality would involve a spirit being creating the world in seven days, making man and woman in his image, then letting a rogue angel infiltrate the garden of eden disguised as a talking serpent, urging Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit that God had so helpfully installed as a test to whether his subjects would obey him, which she and Adam then do, with God casting them out as a result.
And we think the Scientologists are crazy.
Related post:
Pharyngula - The Creation Museum
Labels: Amerikkka, creationism, Creationist Museum