Sickening stunts from the paper that brought you Hillsborough, Gotcha!, etc...

Only the Mirror gave Sabina Mueller the space to give her full justification for the question:
"I knew it was a difficult question but I felt it had to be asked. I didn't think it improper."I didn't want to hurt and I don't suspect the McCanns of being involved.
"Gerry McCann was very calm and I was completely convinced by his reply. Either they're very good actors or they're telling the truth.
"They're putting themselves out there a lot. They've got to expect uncomfortable questions. I was doing my job."
Something that the tabloid journalists seem to have forgotten to do properly in their rush to over-emote with banner coverage of no developments.
One has to wonder if they're angrier more because none of them had the guts to ask such an obvious question than over the perceived slight to the dignity of the McCanns. As far as I'm aware, despite some whispering and criticism directed at the couple, more over their decision to visit the Pope and their apparent coolness at becoming the centre of attention, no one has suggested that their continuous campaign of publicity will have driven any abductor with an ounce of sense to lock her away and never let her out again, making it ever more likely that they'll never discover what has happened to their beloved daughter. It's obviously an incredibly difficult choice to make, one where you either let the police do their work or go all out with a media blitz in the hope that someone somewhere will either know or have seen something, but it seems after a month that their decision may well have been the wrong one. This don't seem to be worrying them though, or even raising the slightest amount of inner doubt: their latest plan is to launch wristbands that will, I quote, raise cash and awareness, as if they need more of either.
Interestingly, what made the front page of three newspapers only made page 18 of the Guardian. You have to think that once again, what Kelvin McKenzie calls the "unpopular" press have got it far more right than their mass-selling rivals.
Labels: Express-watch, Madeleine McCann, Mirror-watch, Sabina Mueller, Scum-watch, Sun-watch