Monday, March 24, 2008 

When you're obsessed, you will see your obsession everywhere.

Via Rhetorically Speaking, I note that Mad Mel has been going err, mad, over the attack by Asian youths on Canon Michael Ainsworth, which was apparently proof of a low-level jihad against Christians in east London by raging "Moslems" determined to make the entire place a no-go area.

Or not, as according to Ainsworth himself, who gave an interview to the same journal that carries Mel's rantings:

"We must respond calmly, and not jump to conclusions..." Coping with the hysteria from "wild" national press coverage had been "almost worse than being attacked." He felt helpless as his church was besieged by cameramen and reporters after the story broke last Friday. "They have their own agendas," said Mr Ainsworth, "as do the bloggers, both professional and amateur, who are using the story for their own ends and drawing bizarre, mainly racist, conclusions."

Well, quite. Mel P does have form in this area, jumping as she did on the Sun's article about "Muslim yobs" attacking a house in Windsor which local squaddies had contemplated moving into. Only, it turned out that there was no evidence whatsoever to link it to Muslims and that the most likely culprits in fact turned out to be local residents who were concerned about the effects on house prices. When confronted with the Sun's own apology, she simply stated that the "[T]he correction did not deny the original information" and that "readers can judge for themselves". Which is usually something Mel does not leave to chance.

Still, in very slightly related news, wasn't it glorious to see the Bishop of Rochester, he of the "Muslim no-go areas" soundbite giving his Easter sermon? Presumably he somehow managed to get out from under the blanket of fear that was the apparent death threats sent to him for such insolence. Doubtless too the Bishop of Oxford, who similarly received death threats after he dared not to disagree with the proposed call to pray being broadcast in Oxford made his sermon, although without any of the press attention.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007 

And now for something completely different...

Let it never be said that the Sun doesn't sometimes do good deeds. After being contacted by the Scum, the housing association People 1st in Slough has discarded its deeply racist 'whites only' policy it had imposed on a tower block because of perceived 'racial tensions', allowing a mum with mixed race children the opportunity to move in. Perhaps more interesting is that the article is by a certain Julie Moult - one of the Sun hacks responsible for last year's "Windsor Muslim yobs" abortion, who never got around to responding to Unity about the numerous inaccuracies in the report. Is this possibly her way of making amends? I very much doubt it, but it'd be nice to think so.

Elsewhere in the Scum, the front page article, claiming that
Rekha Kumari-Baker killed her two teenage daughters because of their behaviour, is almost entirely based on the fact that hacks' quickly found their Bebo (I'm not expert on social networking sites, but Bebo seems most popular amongst kids under 16) profiles which unsurprisingly detail some of their rather typical teenage antics, all of which seems rather at odds with neighbours' statements that the family was quiet and that they mostly kept themselves to themselves. It underlines that it's not the greatest idea to go into a complete breakdown of your life on social networking sites - the first thing that hacks do now is search Friends Reunited, MurdochSpace, Facebook, Bebo etc etc whenever someone is either killed, injured or arrested for a fairly serious crime, looking for anything even slightly salacious which they can use to spice up an otherwise tedious article. In this case, the Scum has had a field day - and it's hard not to find it somewhat ghoulish and insensitive in the way it's presented such personal details before the mother has even been charged in connection with their deaths.

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007 

Scum-watch: Private Eye on the "Windsor Muslim yobs", heartless Screws journalists, and more.

The Eye provides us with the information of where the correction actually appeared in the paper:

Issue No. 1177 also provides this valuable insight into the ethics (or lack of) of News of the Screws hacks:

Then there's the curious incident of the Sun's overwhelming support for the Dome to house the supercasino which instead went to Manchester:

MANCHESTER was as stunned as anyone after the dubious decision to make it Britain’s gambling capital.

The big question is how it beat London and Blackpool for the money-spinning super-casino.

For all its attractions, Manchester was hardly hot favourite. Most bets were riding on the Dome.

Err, no it wasn't. Most assumed and hoped it was going to Blackpool, which seemed the best bet.

To most people, the Dome was the most sensible and logical location.

After which follows a rant about why giving the casino to Manchester is meant to buy off the locals' votes. That most natural Labour supporters would probably be at best curious or incredulous about this government's addiction to gambling doesn't seem to be worth mentioning. Not that suspecting there was something of a stitch-up is necessarily conspiratorial; BlairWatch lists some good reasons for questioning the line up decided upon.

All becomes clear to why the Sun so favoured the Greenwich bid however. As today's Guardian reports:

Yesterday some in Greenwich said the furore which followed the deputy prime minister's admission may have damaged London's case. The result will also have provoked gloom elsewhere. The Guardian has learned that Rupert Murdoch's News Corp holds a 10% interest in AEG's dome development subsidiary.

Who woulda thunk it?

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Monday, January 29, 2007 

Philips justifies her feeble correction.

Korova managed to get a response out of Melanie over her non-retraction of the Sun's inaccurate Windsor Muslim yobs report, and it's a corker. Also worth wondering who "Emma" in the comments is.

Related posts:
Mad Mel Meddles
Scum-watch: Feeble corrections
Scum-watch: Blaming a religion and community shamelessly.

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Sunday, January 21, 2007 

Phil Davies MP retracts his "fuck off".

Following on from Mad Mel's non-apology about the Sun's inaccurate Windsor Muslim yobs report, the Tory MP Philip Davies has been good enough to retract his plea for those responsible to "fuck off", with again, major kudos to Mask of Anarchy for bothering to contacting him:

Anyone up for attempting to contact Damian Green MP and Sir Andrew Green to see whether they'll also do the decent thing?

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Friday, January 19, 2007 

Mad Mel meddles.

Mask of Anarchy, attempting to get blood out of a stone by correcting Melanie Philips' opportune use of the Scum's untrue story about "Muslim yobs" in Windsor, has succeeded in getting her to change her original post. Spot the difference:

The silence is indeed deafening.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007 

Scum-watch: Feeble corrections and the whimpering of an exposed page 3 girl.

With thanks to D-Notice for, err, noticing, yesterday's Scum finally did the decent thing and corrected (not apologised) for its entirely wrong front page piece of October last year which claimed that Muslim yobs had vandalised a house that local soldiers had looked at, with a view to moving in:

Barrack attack correction

Following our report ‘Hounded out’ about a soldier's home in Datchet, Berks, being vandalised by Muslims, we have been asked to point out no threatening calls were logged at Combermere Barracks from Muslims and police have been unable to establish if any faith or religious group was responsible for the incident.

We are happy to make this clear.

No apology then for potentially making local tensions surrounding fights outside a Muslim-owned dairy worse than they already had been; no apology for getting the head of Migrationwatch UK to comment on their completely untrue story, which he used to question integration, and no apology for being completely and utterly wrong in all cases. There were no threatening calls to Combermere Barracks by "Muslims", as their sources had stated, and no evidence the vandalism was carried out by "Muslims" either. That this comprehensively untrue front page story came in the same week as Jack Straw's comments on the veil, as well as the Sun's less than honest article on a Muslim police officer who asked to be excused from guarding the Israeli embassy, did nothing to help the situation.

One reason why these stories are so potentially damaging is that long after they have slipped from the minds of the most of the public, propagandists and others have been known to bring them up as evidence to prove their own twisted wider points. It should be of little surprise to learn then that Melanie Philips was one of those who took the Sun's article at face value, nor that other such enlightened blogs as JihadWatch and the Daily Pundit linked to the story, not to mention the clearly fascist "The Nationalist News in Good old Commie Britain". The Sun, unlike other newspaper sites, where when they get a story substantially wrong either correct it and make clear that they have done so at the top or bottom of the article or remove it entirely, has done neither. The report is still sitting on the Scum website, with nothing changed since its original publishing, much like the horribly wrong report about Rochelle Holness's final hours.

Credit does however go to Unity for exposing the Sun properly in the first place, and also to Pickled Politics and Sunny Hurndal especially for running with it.

Elsewhere in the Scum, Keeley Hazell, a previous winner of the clearly not exploitative page 3 idol contest, is crying about a "downmarket newspaper" splashing on her ex-boyfriend apparently releasing a sex-tape they made onto the world wide web (link contains nudity):
TEARFUL Page 3 sensation Keeley Hazell last night blasted an ex-boyfriend for “betrayal” after a private sex video of her became public.

The 20-year-old model said of jobless Lloyd Miller: “We had been in an on-off relationship for a year and at the time, I really loved this guy and trusted him.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I think he would betray me in this way. Now I don’t know who I can trust.”

Keeley was reduced to a sobbing wreck after learning that stills of the video were in a downmarket newspaper — and the ten-minute film was on the internet.

The model, of Bromley, Kent, said: “I was in bed on Sunday morning when Page 3 girl Nicola T rang.

“She informed me stills from a personal video I had made with an ex-boyfriend were in a downmarket newspaper.

“I got straight up and went out and bought it. I just burst into tears when I saw the images staring back at me.”

Keeley spent yesterday in talks with her lawyers trying to get the steamy film removed from the internet.

She obtained an injunction on grounds of privacy preventing any further publication or promotion of the video.

Keeley believes it can only have been Miller, 20, and also from Bromley, who released the film.

The model, who shot to fame as winner of The Sun’s Page 3 Idol in 2004, said: “I never had any intention of it being seen. I haven’t even seen it myself and have no intention of doing so.

“We had taken a video camera on holiday with us to Tenerife last summer. We were both feeling relaxed after a couple of drinks and it just happened. I have turned down offers to do Playboy covers because there were certain things I simply didn’t want others to see. Now I feel I have no dignity left.

“In future I know I will have to be more careful who I fall in love with.

Apart from sniggering at the thought of a page 3 girl having any dignity whatsoever, the release of said video also raises a couple of other questions. The Sun editor's namesake, Rebekah Parmar-Teasdale was previously jettisoned by the Scum after it was discovered that she had took part in more hardcore shenanigans than those usually printed on the newspaper's third page, only to bring her back one time only to make it clear that the arrival of a female editor would not signal the end of the sordid institution. It seems unlikely that this will result in Keeley similarly being given the boot: she's for the moment too much of a draw, although whether now that her fans have seen her doing those things that page 3 only hints at will be satisfied with her continuing to only appear for the Scum and the little-boy wank mags remains to be seen.

Even more humourously, the Tories last month named her as err, an environmental hero, for among other things suggesting that making love in the dark could be as much a turn-on as a turn-off. If only she had heeded her own advice.

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