A handy cut out and keep guide for hacks: Islamic dress.

Next time in the handy cut out and keep guide for hacks: what is and what isn't a disease.
Labels: burqa, Daily Express, Daily Star, hackery, idiocy, Islamic dress, niqab
Labels: burqa, Daily Express, Daily Star, hackery, idiocy, Islamic dress, niqab
Anything that makes enough splash to stop the one story that really matters: will the cabinet and leading MPs seize this last chance to sack their failed leader?
What will it take? They don't need to wait for Thursday's poll results. I have no idea if a coup will happen, but if they let this moment slip, history will record this as the spineless cabinet that threw away Labour's last chance.
Labels: bullshit, columnists, hackery, hacks, politics, Polly Toynbee, Private Eye
For anyone attempting to find evidence to justify the war in Iraq, the discovery of a document that directly links Mohammed Atta, the al-Qaeda mastermind of the September 11 attacks, with the Baghdad training camp of Abu Nidal, the infamous Palestinian terrorist, appears almost too good to be true.
Labels: Bush administration, CIA, Con Coughlin, forgeries, hackery, intelligence agencies, Iran, Iraq disaster, propaganda, Ron Suskind, Telegraph, Telegraph-watch
The complaint was resolved when the newspaper published the following apology:
“On March 28 we published an article with the headline, “I’M NOT A TRANNY (AND I’M CERTAINLY NOT HUNG LIKE A DONKEY) SAYS PEACHES”. The article alleged that there had been an update for Peaches Geldof on her online encyclopaedia Wikipedia entry claiming that she was a transsexual, and that she had responded by sending out angry messages to friends to deny the story. We now accept that there was neither any such entry on Wikipedia, and nor was there any of the hysterical reaction by Peaches to the entry as described in the articles. We apologise to Peaches for any distress that the article caused”.
Labels: bullshit, celebrity culture, churnalism, hackery, hacks, Peaches Geldof, Press Complaints Commission, tabloid analysis