Thursday, December 28, 2006 

Joined-up government in two short bursts.

Just two weeks after the government was heavily criticised in rather sensationalist BBC reports for spending over £100 million on translation services, the government is due to announce that it is stopping the free language lessons it provides for asylum seekers whose claims have not yet been processed. Phil Woolas, who appeared on Newsnight to defend the government's position, instead decided to use the "even talking about this helps the BNP" card to evade answering any questions whatsoever, despite previously saying that Aishah Azmi should have been sacked for her refusal to the remove her niqab before the disciplinary panel had reached its verdict.

Elsewhere, the ghastly Blairite automaton Hazel Blears thought she'd earn some brownie points from someone other than the Dear Leader by joining protests in her constituency against the closure of maternity services. That she's a firm believer in the introduction of market forces into the NHS, the terrible wastage of money going to independent private treatment centres and into PFI schemes doesn't matter when the actual cuts are in her own backyard. She doesn't even have the excuse that John Reid came up with when he previously joined protests against proposed cuts in his constituency; even though he was health secretary, health matters are devolved to the Scottish parliament. She is the very worst of hypocrite, the kind so utterly shameless that they regard principles as a middle-class disease afflicting only limp-wristed liberals. Thankfully, when Brown ascends to become the next Dear Leader, she's likely to find herself without a job.

On other blogs, Blood and Treasure examines the conflict in Somalia then and now.

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